The five principles of the MOVEMENT ADVENTURE



Movement requires inner and outer space

innen-aussen.jpgMovement Adventure Corsica – Space and Dialoge

The first priority is therefore to create space. Open space. This applies both inside, i.e. physically, and outside, in the environment. Spaciality and movement can interact.




teaching it prevents learning it yourself


We have potentials and forces within us that shape and move us. Practice is the vessel for these forces. A learning space is the vessel for practice. Those who move freely in learning spaces develop naturally and are therefore stable and agile.




Movement is dialogue

Movement Adventure Space

Dialogue with the space and the landscape. A dialogue between inner and outer nature. Between inner and outer dynamics. The right people in the right environment awaken potential. Potential develops in individual and shared open spaces.




To learn is to play, to play is to learn

Movement Adventure Play

The central element of the game is openness. Playing without competition, i.e. without stress, creates a self-reinforcing dynamic of input and output. Information is received, processed and converted into action. Perception, processing and realization are all cultivated in the process.




Similarities and differences matter


Everyone learns differently, moves differently, has different possibilities. However, there are also principles that we all have in common. Knowing and promoting both aspects is essential.